Meeting of 1st group 1st year students of “Clinical Pharmacy” with the Dean of the Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Technologies

Зустріч першокурсників 1 групи ОП «Клінічна фармація» з деканом факультету медико-фармацевтичних технологій

On August 31, 2021, a meeting of 1st group 1st year students of “Clinical Pharmacy” with the Dean of the Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Technologies Prof. Naboka O.I. and employees of the dean’s office took place. Also yesterday’s schoolchildren, and now students, took part in the event “Dedication to NUPh students”.
The staff of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy of NUPh greets students and wishes them good health, success and inspiration in their studies!



Meeting of 1st group 1st year students of "Clinical Pharmacy" with the Dean of the Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Technologies Meeting of 1st group 1st year students of "Clinical Pharmacy" with the Dean of the Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Technologies