Clinical Pharmacy and pharmaceutical care

Clinical Pharmacy and pharmaceutical care (for foreign students)


Tasks for self-education on topic ‘Clinical Pharmacy in Endocrinology’ for foreign students of 4 course

Tasks for self-education on topic ‘Clinical Pharmacy in Hepatology’ for foreign students of 4 course

Tasks for self-education on topic ‘Clinical Pharmacy in Gastroenterology’ for foreign students of 4 course

Tasks for self-education on topic ‘Clinical Pharmacy in Nephrology’ for foreign students of 4 course

Tasks for self-education on topic ‘Clinical Pharmacy in Haematology’ for foreign students of 4 course

Tasks for self-education on topic ‘Clinical Pharmacy in Cardiology’ for foreign students of 4 course

Tasks for self-education on topic ‘Pharmaceutical care of patients with local disorders of spetial groups’ for foreign students of 5 course

Tasks for self-education on topic ‘Pharmaceutical care of patients with local disorders of the blood circulation’ for foreign students of 5 course

Tasks for self-education on topic ‘Pharmaceutical care during OTC drugs dispensing for symptomatic treatment of skin lesions’ for foreign students of 5 course

Tasks for self-education on topic ‘Pharmaceutical care during conventional or alternative therapy of insomnias and anxiety’ for foreign students of 5 course

Tasks for self-education on topic ‘Pharmaceutical care in symptomatic treatment of joint and muscle pain’ for foreign students of 5 course

Dear students!

Having done all the tasks of each topic you must comlete the Control Tests at the website


Download of the Courses Work on Clinical Pharmacy

The working syllabus of academic subject «Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Care»

The course timetable of lecture and tutorial on «Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Care» during the autumn semester 2021-2022


To prepare for module control on «Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Care»