Moroz Volodymyr Anatoliyovich

Moroz Volodymyr Anatoliyovich

Professor, MD, PhD in medical science

Moroz Volodymyr Anatoliyovich Moroz Volodymyr Anatoliyovich Moroz Volodymyr Anatoliyovich Moroz Volodymyr Anatoliyovich







Vladimir A. Moroz was born on November 1, 1958 in Moscow. In 1981 he graduated from the Kharkov Medical Institute, worked as physician in Kharkov Institute of General and Emergency Surgery. Since 1985, the competition elected researcher of Kharkov Institute of Medical Radiology (since 2000 – Institute of Medical Radiology, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine), where he held the position of junior, senior and leading researcher. Since 2004 he has been working at the National University of Pharmacy assistant professor of department of Clinical Pharmacology with Pharmaceutical Care. Since 2011 – Professor of department of Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy.



Diploma of the Presidium of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (2004), Diploma of Kharkiv Regional State Administration (2013 ).


The disciples

Boyko V.V., PhD.Med.(2005) Imagistic monitoring methods of radiation changes in the lungs in the treatment of lung and breast cancers.



– Клінічна фармація (фармацевтична опіка): підруч. для студ. вищ. мед. (фармац.) навч. закл. / І.А. Зупанець, В.П. Черних, Т.С. Сахарова та ін.; За ред. В.П. Черних, І.А. Зупанця.– Х.: НФаУ: Золоті сторінки, 2011.– 704 с.

– Клиническая фармация (фармацевтическая опека): учеб. для студентов высш. мед. (фармац.) учеб. заведений / И.А. Зупанец, В.П. Черных, Т.С. Сахарова и др.; Под ред. В.П. Черных, И.А. Зупанца.– Х.: Золотые страницы, 2012.– 776 с.

Self-supporting activities

Deputy Chairman of the Commission on the Ethics of the National University of Pharmacy


Teaches courses

Basics bioethics and biosafety

Propedeutics of Internal Medicine

Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine

Clinical Pharmacy with Pharmaceutical Care

Good clinical practice and validation of clinical trials of drugs

Clinical pharmacy in oncology